
Is Your Homeschooler Struggling in Math? Here’s What to Do.

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Winner of the Practical Homeschooling Magazine i-Learn Award 3 years in a row for both MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL Math Curriculum

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When Your Homeschooler is Struggling in Math, There Are Steps You Can Take to Turn It Around.

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Homeschooling is a rewarding but challenging endeavor, and math can often be one of the most difficult subjects for students to grasp. If your homeschooler is struggling in math, it’s essential to take action before the frustration grows.

In this post, I’ll provide you with key strategies to help get your homeschooler struggling in math back on track.

homeschooler struggling in math

1. Evaluate the Program You’re Using

The first step is to assess the math program you’ve chosen. Is it a textbook-based program, or does it use video instruction? Most importantly, does your child enjoy the program, and is it challenging enough?

Beyond the format, the central question to ask yourself is, who is teaching your child? A strong teacher is the most critical factor in a student’s success, especially in middle and high school math. If the program relies heavily on short, five-to-ten-minute videos and expects students to learn independently afterward, it may not provide enough instruction. Students in top public and private schools receive substantial teacher-led instruction, so if your program doesn’t offer that, it may be worth reconsidering your options.

Remember, it’s okay to switch programs if necessary. Transitioning can be a positive step if the current curriculum isn’t meeting your child’s needs.

2. Be Mindful of Where You Get Your Advice

Many homeschool parents seek advice from other parents, but when it comes to subjects like high school math, this can sometimes lead to frustration. Certified math teachers, like myself, have spent years studying and teaching the subject. What works for one student might not work for another, especially when the teacher lacks specific math expertise.

While it’s great to hear about other parents’ experiences, be cautious about making decisions solely based on reviews or recommendations. Do your research and seek out professional guidance when possible.

3. Understand Your Role as a Homeschool Parent

Many parents feel the need to learn math themselves to teach their children. However, it’s not always effective for parents to take on the role of the teacher, especially when dealing with middle or high school-level math. Teaching requires years of experience, and it can be tough to juggle learning complex topics while instructing your child.

A more effective approach is to act as a mentor or tutor, guiding your child through the material while allowing a professional or an experienced math program to handle the heavy instruction. This keeps you involved in their education without the pressure of mastering every topic.

4. Focus on Study Habits

Math success is as much about study habits as it is about understanding concepts. Ensure your child is taking notes, completing all practice problems, and reviewing their work thoroughly. As a parent, you can play a critical role in monitoring their progress. Check their notebooks, make sure they’re showing their work, and encourage them to be neat and organized in their approach.

Good study habits will not only improve their performance in math but will also benefit them across all academic subjects.

5. Look for Learning Trends or Challenges

If your child is still struggling despite your efforts, it’s important to consider whether there could be underlying challenges affecting their performance. Is your child having trouble focusing? Are they frequently disorganized or sloppy in their work? These could be signs of a learning disorder, such as ADHD or dyslexia, which may have gone undetected.

If you suspect there may be a learning challenge, it’s worth having your child evaluated. Many students with learning disorders can still thrive in math with the right adjustments to their program. The key is to identify any issues early and make the necessary modifications to support their learning style.

Success Is Possible with the Right Approach

In most cases, if your homeschooler is struggling in math, there are many things you can do to help them succeed. By evaluating the program, getting expert advice, playing a supportive role, ensuring good study habits, and looking out for learning challenges, you can turn things around.

Whether or not you choose to use TabletClass Math, my goal is to provide homeschool families with practical, expert guidance based on my decades of teaching experience. I’ve worked with countless homeschoolers, and I’ve seen firsthand that with the right support and program, any student can succeed in math.

If you’d like more information or have specific questions about your child’s situation, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help!

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What our members say

“John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND!”
-Jennifer L. (Homeschool Happenings Blog)
“With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense. My son is currently in TabletClass’ Pre-Algebra class after already taking Pre-Algebra before. It is such a great moment when a parent can see a light turn on and it all makes sense again. I am great full for the gifts this program has given us.”
-Dana A.
“TabletClass has been a lifesaver for us this year! My girls, freshmen this year, struggled with Pre-Algebra using another curriculum last year. Under the guidance of John Zimmerman, because he called me and talked to me when I ordered, and always calls personally when you email a question, we started over with Pre-Algebra again. It wasn’t long before we were caught up enough again to start with Algebra, and it is going great!”

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