
How to Take Math Notes That Are Effective: 3 Strategies for Homeschoolers

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how to take math notes

Good note-taking skills are essential for success in any academic subject, and with math, knowing how to take math notes effectively is crucial.

As a homeschooler, it’s important to prioritize the development of effective note-taking habits to help your child excel in their studies. But how do they go about taking notes that truly work? By learning how to take math notes with practice and effort, they can master this vital skill. Let’s take a closer look at what an effective set of notes looks like and how it can significantly boost their math performance – though these ideas are applicable across all courses and subjects!

Here are the three main strategies for how to take math notes that are effective.

  1. Neatness
  2. Organization
  3. Valuable Information

Strategy 1: Neatness

Taking math notes requires attentiveness and organization for them to be of use. If your child’s handwriting is difficult to read, or if they tend to write ‘sloppy’, remember that extra focus on writing neat letters and words will make all the difference in how useful these notes are to them later on. Trust me, a little effort on their part guarantees an easier time for understanding their written thoughts down the line!

To achieve a high level of neatness, I’ve found that it’s some times necessary to take my time when writing. It’s important for your child to do the same. Although they may feel rushed due to an instructor speaking quickly, make sure their attention remains on accurately capturing what is being said first and foremost. Afterward, they can dedicate some extra time into “sprucing up” their notes and making them neater—but they should not wait too long or else they may forget the details of the lesson!

Strategy 2: Organization

What does your child use to capture important information? Are they using loose-leaf paper or Post-It notes? If so, it might be time to upgrade the process. I suggest a plain notebook just for notes – one of these can typically be found at a local store for just $0.99! With this option all the information will live in one place, creating an organized and easy-to-reference portfolio instead of a mess leading to confusion and stress.

To ensure their success in every course, it is essential that they have one dedicated notebook for each class. Label every section and chapter so that they can easily identify the topics covered. Your child should aim to make their notes organized and comprehensive enough that another student (or you, the parent) could learn most of what was taught just from reading them! Have high standards for them when taking down notes; help them establish an efficient organization system that will pay off later on.

Strategy 3: Valuable Information


Taking notes is essential in order to capture important data. Not only that, but it’s one of the most effective ways to ensure accurate recall of information.

Your child’s notes should list out what the teacher writes on the board. If there isn’t anything critical being revealed at a particular moment — they should use their own judgment as to whether or not to jot down certain details. Ultimately, if the teacher wrote it on the board—chances are it belongs in their notes!

Taking notice to what is said and emphasized by the teacher is just as important. Students should listen closely for valuable information and hints given during class—these “gold nuggets” may be clues on upcoming tests or quizzes…they should be marked with a star so it’s easily recognized as significant.

By focusing intently during lectures and actively listening to what is being said, your child will be sure not to miss valuable information necessary for their academic success.

Final Thoughts

Taking great notes is essential to student success. Studies show that note-taking by hand is better for long-term comprehension of material. By keeping neat, organized notes on their studies, your homeschooler will be able to easily access the information they need and feel confident that they are truly ready to reach their academic goals!

Looking for math help?

If your child is in need of assistance with their math education, check out our Features and Sample Videos to see if our program is the right fit for you and your family.

Have additional questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out for further information on how we can help your child excel in math.


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“John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND!”
-Jennifer L. (Homeschool Happenings Blog)
“With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense. My son is currently in TabletClass’ Pre-Algebra class after already taking Pre-Algebra before. It is such a great moment when a parent can see a light turn on and it all makes sense again. I am great full for the gifts this program has given us.”
-Dana A.
“TabletClass has been a lifesaver for us this year! My girls, freshmen this year, struggled with Pre-Algebra using another curriculum last year. Under the guidance of John Zimmerman, because he called me and talked to me when I ordered, and always calls personally when you email a question, we started over with Pre-Algebra again. It wasn’t long before we were caught up enough again to start with Algebra, and it is going great!”

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