
How to Choose the Best Homeschool Math Curriculum for Your Child

TabletClass Math

Winner of the Practical Homeschooling Magazine i-Learn Award 3 years in a row for both MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL Math Curriculum

TabletClass Math

Winner of the Practical Homeschooling Magazine i-Learn Award 2 years in a row for both MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL Math Curriculum

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4 key steps to guide you in finding a math curriculum that fits your child’s needs and ensures their success.

Finding the ideal homeschool math curriculum can be a challenge for homeschooling parents. The process can be easy and smooth or difficult and frustrating. Even the most experienced homeschoolers can face challenges when it comes to selecting the right math curriculum for their child, especially as they progress to more advanced middle and high school math concepts.

Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been doing it for a while, finding the perfect math program can feel overwhelming.

As the founder of TabletClass Math, I’ve had numerous conversations with many homeschoolers about what type of math course is best for their children.

You may be surprised that I will recommend programs other than TabletClass if I think that a child will do better in a different course. While I am passionate about the benefits of homeschooling with TabletClass, I always prioritize the individual needs of each child and recommend alternative programs when appropriate.

My approach to helping a family choose TabletClass is simple–give homeschooling parents enough information about my math program, let them try it (demo or free videos like on this site) and answer their concerns.

In the end, homeschoolers should invest in math curriculum that fit their needs and they feel comfortable using.

To help make your search easier I recommend focusing on 4 essential steps that can truly help you find a great math program for your child.

math curriculum


1. Understand Your Child’s Learning Style

When searching for a math curriculum you want to focus on programs that best match your homeschoolers learning style. For example, if your child likes video based instruction rather than textbooks than you should narrow your focus only to video based math courses.

As you know there are many homeschool math programs on the market so you need to start filtering out programs that don’t fit your child’s learning style. Trust me there are enough programs to consider for each type of learning style so don’t be afraid to eliminate programs from your selection.

The main benefit to narrowing your search by learning style is you can spend more time evaluating programs that likely are the best option for your child.

The biggest mistake a homeschooler can make is trying to consider too many programs at once. So don’t be shy about focusing your search on a fewer products–it’s a step you have to take to get closer to a final selection.


2. Seek Homeschool Reviews and Recommendations

Once you have narrowed your list of programs based on what’s best for your child’s learning style, it’s time to research reviews from other homeschoolers. The internet is filled with homeschool forums and review sites where you can find valuable insights, comments, and opinions about various math curricula.

While it’s important to approach online reviews with caution, reading about other homeschoolers’ experiences can provide valuable information and help you identify trends that can be useful in evaluating the program.

One last suggestion when you do your research, try not to be overly influenced by extreme negative reviews. There may have been individual circumstances that led to a negative experience, which might be unrelated to the math program itself.

Your goal is to gather as much information as possible to make a well-rounded judgment on whether a particular math curriculum is worth trying.


3. Take Advantage of Free Trials and Demos

The next step you want to take in your quest to find a great math curriculum for your child is testing. Go to the website of products you’re interested in and see if they offer a free trial or demo.

Most programs have some sort of limited trial or demo so take advantage of using these free ways of trying a course. You don’t even need to see the entire course just enough samples to give you a good sense on how the program teaches math.

Sometimes homeschooling parents evaluate a program without their child involved – big mistake! You always want your child to be the one that sits down and tests a learning program.

Also, you and your homeschooler need to talk about the pros and cons of each program you test. If you are interested in a math curriculum that has no free trials, demos or samples then you need to be very cautious.

I would advise against investing a significant amount of money in an untested program unless the math program is very affordable, allowing you to try it without a substantial financial commitment.


4. Start Early and Look for Sales

My final recommendation for getting that perfect math program for your child is to start early.

Math curriculum selection can take months and you don’t want to be rushed into getting any program. Start early and evaluate each program in detail with your child.

Remember the math curriculum your homeschooler uses on a daily basis will have a tremendous impact on their education so you must do your best to find a great program. As such, you want to give yourself enough time to conduct excellent research and evaluations.

Another great reason to start your search early is DISCOUNTS. The earlier you can identify a math curriculum that IS THE ONE you plan to use, the better the chance you have on saving money via sales. Often times a company will hold sales during various times of the year so you can save money if you have enough time to seek out and find discounts.


Final Thoughts

Knowing how to choose a math curriculum is critical to successful homeschooling. The key is to give yourself enough time and understand the types of programs that best fit your child’s needs.

Of course no process is perfect so even after excellent research you can end up picking the wrong math curriculum. If you think you have made a mistake with respect to your math curriculum, you may need to change programs–it happens.

If you have to change your math curriculum, go back to the other programs you were researching as your favorite candidates.

Last word: homeschool math curriculum selection is not always easy but if you follow the 6 P’s rule you should be fine, “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.”


Looking for math help?

If your child is in need of assistance with their math education, check out our Features and Sample Videos to see if our program is the right fit for you and your family.

Have additional questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out for further information on how we can help your child excel in math

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Transform your child’s math education with our comprehensive and easy-to-follow online courses for middle & high school students.

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What our members say

“John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND!”
-Jennifer L. (Homeschool Happenings Blog)
“With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense. My son is currently in TabletClass’ Pre-Algebra class after already taking Pre-Algebra before. It is such a great moment when a parent can see a light turn on and it all makes sense again. I am great full for the gifts this program has given us.”
-Dana A.
“TabletClass has been a lifesaver for us this year! My girls, freshmen this year, struggled with Pre-Algebra using another curriculum last year. Under the guidance of John Zimmerman, because he called me and talked to me when I ordered, and always calls personally when you email a question, we started over with Pre-Algebra again. It wasn’t long before we were caught up enough again to start with Algebra, and it is going great!”

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