
How to Conduct an Effective Homeschool Math Mid-Year Review

TabletClass Math

Winner of the Practical Homeschooling Magazine i-Learn Award 3 years in a row for both MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL Math Curriculum

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Do You Have an Effective Process for Your Homeschool Math Mid-Year Review?

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If you’re a homeschooler, this is something you definitely want to do. A mid-year review can provide valuable insights and help ensure your student stays on track to complete the course successfully. Whether you’re using our TabletClass Math curriculum or another program, these key steps will help guide your review.

With decades of experience teaching middle and high school math, I’ve developed a tried-and-true approach to mid-year reviews. In this post, I’ll outline six essential areas to evaluate.

homeschool math mid-year review

1. Review Grades

Start by evaluating your child’s grades on chapter or unit exams. Ideally, by mid-year, you should have at least five or six major test scores to analyze. If your student has scores below 80% on any exam, it’s crucial to revisit those areas. Math concepts build upon each other, and gaps in understanding will lead to more significant struggles as the material becomes more complex later in the course. Use this opportunity to review and strengthen any weaker areas.

Key takeaway: Don’t just move forward—ensure mastery of previous topics before progressing.

2. Assess Course Pacing

Next, look at how far along you are in the course. For instance, if you started in August or September and plan to finish by May or June, you should be roughly halfway through the material by now. If you’re behind—say, still in chapter 4 of Algebra 1 in January—adjustments may be necessary. Remember, math courses become progressively more challenging, so staying on pace is critical.

If you find that your student is struggling with the current level of difficulty, it may be worth reconsidering their course placement. For example, jumping from pre-algebra to Algebra 2 could lead to an overwhelming experience, so make sure the level is appropriate.

Key takeaway: Keep pace with the curriculum, and make adjustments if necessary to stay on track.

3. Evaluate Daily Routines

How consistent is your child’s math routine? I strongly recommend working on math every weekday. At the high school level, this typically means at least two hours per day—one hour of instruction and up to one hour of homework. If your student isn’t putting in consistent effort or time each day, it will be difficult for them to retain information and make steady progress.

If you’re behind schedule, it’s important to prioritize math and reduce distractions. A scattered approach, such as trying to cram five hours of math into one day and taking the rest of the week off, will not lead to success. Daily practice builds retention and understanding.

Key takeaway: Math should be a daily focus, with consistent time dedicated to both learning and practice.

4. Reassess the Curriculum

Is the curriculum or program you’re using still working for your student? If your child is breezing through the material without feeling challenged, the program might not be rigorous enough. Conversely, if they’re struggling to the point of frustration, it could be a sign that the curriculum is too advanced.

For example, if your student is flying through an Algebra 1 course without much effort, they might need a more challenging program. On the other hand, if they’re finding every chapter difficult, it may be time to reassess and switch to a different curriculum. Just make sure to make changes early—don’t wait until the end of the year to switch courses, as it will be too disruptive.

Key takeaway: The right curriculum should strike a balance between being challenging and manageable.

5. Strengthen Academic Habits

Academic habits are often overlooked but are a critical part of your student’s success. Mid-year is the perfect time to assess their note-taking skills. Are they taking comprehensive notes that they can learn from later? Are their homework problems organized, logical, and detailed? These habits matter in math and every other subject.

Students often take shortcuts, like skipping practice problems if they think they understand the material. This is a bad habit that will lead to gaps in their learning. Ensure your child is completing all assigned work, watching the full lessons, and putting in the necessary time.

Key takeaway: Good academic habits, like note-taking and completing all assignments, are essential for success.

6. Plan for the Next Course

Finally, it’s time to start thinking ahead to the next course your student will take. For example, after Algebra 1, the logical next step is Geometry. However, don’t rush through the current course just to stay on schedule—make sure your child fully understands the material before moving on.

If you’re running behind, consider extending the course into the summer rather than cramming to finish by the end of the school year. And if you’re thinking about switching curriculums for the next course, start researching now so you’re ready when the time comes.

Key takeaway: Never rush to the next course—ensure mastery first, even if it means extending the timeline.

Final Thoughts

A mid-year review might sound like a formal, time-consuming process, but in reality, it’s something you should be doing regularly. Don’t wait until midyear to address issues—small adjustments throughout the year will keep your child on track.

These six areas—grades, pacing, routines, curriculum, academic habits, and future planning—will provide a strong foundation for an effective review and help ensure your student’s success in math.

If you need more support, I invite you to explore our TabletClass Math courses. We offer placement exams to ensure your student is in the right course, and I’m always here to help guide you through your homeschool math journey.

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Transform your child’s math education with our comprehensive and easy-to-follow online courses for middle & high school students.

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What our members say

“John Zimmerman I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You obviously have a true gift and knack for being able to communicate mathematical concepts in a way that even the students that are struggling the most UNDERSTAND!”
-Jennifer L. (Homeschool Happenings Blog)
“With the help of TabletClass we finally have that “Ahh ha” clicking moment when it all makes sense. My son is currently in TabletClass’ Pre-Algebra class after already taking Pre-Algebra before. It is such a great moment when a parent can see a light turn on and it all makes sense again. I am great full for the gifts this program has given us.”
-Dana A.
“TabletClass has been a lifesaver for us this year! My girls, freshmen this year, struggled with Pre-Algebra using another curriculum last year. Under the guidance of John Zimmerman, because he called me and talked to me when I ordered, and always calls personally when you email a question, we started over with Pre-Algebra again. It wasn’t long before we were caught up enough again to start with Algebra, and it is going great!”

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